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Thanks for checking out my Portfolio. For questions, comments, or if you want to say hi, just drop me a line. If you're looking for someone with my skills or just need someone to lend an ear, I'm here to help.


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Drexel University

Bachelor of Science, Digital Media - 2015

Primarily focused in Game Art and Production, I've studied in a variety of fields that cover Graphic Design, 3-D Modeling, Animation, and Web Design. Additionally minored in Music Theory & Composition, setting the groundwork for great creative endeavors.

Temporary Employee

March 2016 - December 2016

I was dispatched to various departments across a local school system, assisting with locating financial discrepancies, shipping and receiving requested supplies, and transporting outdated electronics to be stored and recycled.

Sound Designer & 3D Modeler

April 2013 - September 2013

An internship during my time at University, I joined a team in the early stages of developing a game focused on social, educational, and philanthropic missions. I specialized on 3D environmental models, character dialogue, and a variety of sound effects.

Professional History

Education & Work Experience

Tomas Blake Carrillo

"It is my belief that creativity is a form of energy. It ebbs and flows across all of existence, passing in and out of all life as it sees fit. It is why there is beauty in nature, in other people, in music, and of course the other mediums. The urge to create, whenever it comes, is that energy flowing through you, and you have very little say in the matter. I would advise you embrace it while it is here, and not scorn it when it passes, as you never truly know when it shall return or in what form."

computer keyboard



Creativity. Efficiency. Empathy. It takes a certain kind of designer to envision a product, to enact a specific plan to create that product, and to understand the consumer's needs and desires for that product. If you are looking for someone who will give it their all to see your vision brought to reality, then look no further. Together, we can watch your vision take on the world.

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